1.Our information was that a large portion of the French officers, officials, and traders in all these territories had not despaired.
2.While a large portion of its risk was taken via derivatives, there is no doubt that what turned bad was the underlying real estate risk.
3.Almost pulled down in the 1960s to make way for a second ring road around the modern day city, a large portion in fact escaped destruction.
4.It was a completely fantastic experience, and it was an amazingly large portion of my life, but I don't think I need to go there again.
5.Clearly the views of these bloggers were at odds with a substantially large portion of the rest of Iran.
6.Over the next few years, microfilm of a large portion of it will come to Hoover.
7.While some of the body pieces are missing on this prototype, a large portion of the production sheet metal is clearly visible!
8.Medicines can be expensive and often make up a large portion of any family's health care budget.
9.Did you know that a large portion of the Western United States used to be a part of Mexico?
10.The ethylene industry is a kid of dense capital industry, the investment accounts for a large portion of the total cost.